As people get older their tax affairs become more complicated and confusing, and getting trusted help and information can be difficult to find.
For those working with older people there is no simple and accessible resource about tax that can help them guide older people.
We can also help front-line advisers with individual queries on behalf of their clients, or when they get stuck. Just telephone our advice line on 01308 488066.
Tax Help is keen to ensure that the most vulnerable and isolated within the elderly in our communities are aware of the service it can offer. If you work with this client group and think you can help us to spread the message, please do make contact.
You can email us at , we are keen to collaborate whether on a national, regional or local level.
In 2015/16, we developed and produced four tax videos, which we believe provided a simple and clear source of information about the major areas of tax, and gave an insight into how to deal with them. Where the general message is the same there have been some changes to HMRC forms and processes, the savings allowances and the state pension deferment rules. Detailed advice can be provided by the advice team on the numbers above.
These videos were produced for the 2015/16 tax year. Where the general message is the same there have been some changes to HMRC forms and processes, the savings allowances and the state pension deferment rules. Detailed advice can be provided by the advice team on the numbers above.