01308 488066

Our Services

We probably all harbour the ideal that as we grow older our affairs will become simpler to manage. Unfortunately for many this is not the reality, and in particular where personal taxation is concerned.

The changes to the state pension age, the propensity for people to work longer (even if part-time) and the move away from a single lifetime employment to a series of jobs means that for many people their tax affairs become more complicated when they reach pensionable age

As a result, there are many older people in the UK who need help and advice with their tax affairs but have no access to affordable, trusted advice or a social or family network they can turn to for help. They may be facing retirement, be confused by a tax demand or completion of complex forms, or suffering a recent bereavement. All of these scenarios can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress and contribute to poor well being.

Dual objectives

Tax Help for Older People is a service provided by Tax Volunteers, an independent organisation with the dual objectives of providing free professional advice on personal tax to older people who could not otherwise afford to pay for it and of improving wider knowledge and awareness of the tax system.

Tax Help is supported by both professional tax bodies and by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and works in partnership with voluntary and statutory bodies concerned with older peoples welfare. It remains, however, a completely independent organisation, offering a fully professional and confidential service to its clients

Tax Help for Older People