01308 488066

Our vision, aims and values

Vision – our longer term view of the organisation is

“To be recognised as a leading provider of free tax advice and advocacy for those on lower incomes”

Aims – What we do and intend to do to ensure we achieve our vision.

Our aims are to:

  • Help as many vulnerable and unrepresented people on lower incomes as possible to achieve certainty and peace of mind in their personal tax affairs by providing impartial and free tax advice.
  • Be recognised nationally as the leading source of information on how the tax system impacts on our clients.
  • Advocate for long-term improvements to the tax system and represent the interests of individual clients and the wider client groups to those in authority who have the influence and power to make the changes needed to the personal taxation system to meet their needs.
  • Use the experience and knowledge that we gain through our work to improve tax awareness amongst clients, potential clients and the wider public.
  • To train others in the advice sector on personal tax matters.
  • Have in place a robust and innovative funding programme that seeks resources from statutory, charitable, business and individual sources to ensure the sustainability of our organisation and the services it provides.

Values – Our shared principles that form the basis upon which we operate.

Our core values are:

Valuing our customers - In all dealings with clients we will demonstrate a caring, compassionate and supportive approach, seeking to understand and respond to their individual needs and to respect the confidentiality of the information they share with us.

Valuing our staff and volunteers - We will manage our resources effectively and responsibly, supporting and developing our staff and making best use of the time given freely by our volunteers.

Honesty and accountability - We will seek to operate with the highest level of integrity in our governance, administrative, advice and outreach work. We will be open and accurate in the reporting of our activities.

Equality and fairness - We will be even handed and fair in our dealings with all we come into contact with and seek to understand and show respect for all sectors and groups within society. We will offer our services to as many low income clients as our financial resources allow without fear or favour.

Value for money - We will deliver our services in as cost-effective a manner as we can, being mindful when making decisions of the expectations of those who support and fund our work.
We will work collaboratively with other advice agencies and tax organisations to maximise the impact of our efforts for the benefit of our respective clients.