01308 488066

What are my allowances?


2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
Personal Allowance  - Incomes up to £100,000  £12,500  £12,500 £12,570
Marriage Allowance  £1,250  £1,250 £1,250
Blind Persons Allowance  £2,450  £2,500 £2,520
Starting Rate for Savings  £5,000  £5,000 £5,000
Personal Savings Allowance - Basic rate tax payer  £1,000  £1,000 £1,000
Personal Savings Allowance - Higher rate tax payer  £500  £500 £500

Married Couples Allowance  - You are eligible where at least one of you was born before 6th April 1935, but only allowed as a 10% reduction to your tax bill on incomes below £29,600 2019/20, £30,200 2020/21 or £30,400 2021/22.

Starting Rate for Savings - Only applies to those with taxable income under £17,570 2021/22.


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